The Joyful Mysteries
The Joyful Mysteries celebrate the events surrounding the childhood of Jesus, beginning with His conception within Mary’s womb. These moments are certainly filled with wonder and jubilation for the Holy Family of Nazareth, but the joy radiating from the Incarnation of Jesus continues to fill all of Heaven and earth with these same emotions as we meditate upon the magnitude of the Divinity entering time and space to accomplish His salvation plan. All of creation was lost to sin and the power of darkness, until Jesus- the Light of the World came to redeem His children. Meditating upon these Mysteries helps us to understand and enter into the true meaning of Christian joy. As our minds reflect on these events, we are encouraged by Our Blessed Mother to follow in her footsteps to “keep these things in our hearts”, that we too may be empowered by His love to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others through our silence, words or actions as she once did. All the while we are lead and assisted in prayer by the Blessed Virgin Mary, who by her eternal “yes” to the Divine Will is the cause of our joy. 

1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Birth Of Jesus 
4. The Presentation
5. Finding The Child Jesus In The Temple 

*To learn more about these Joyful Mysteries visit the Timeline of the Mysteries of the Rosary.

The five Joyful Mysteries are to be prayed on Mondays and Saturdays, and may be said on Sundays during Advent and Christmas. 

The Luminous Mysteries

Not much is offered in scripture regarding the hidden life of Jesus from His childhood until He begins His public ministry. However, during those next several years of His life until He enters into His Passion, much light and truth is shed upon mankind as Jesus begins to proclaim the good news of the Gospel. These events that occur during this time are known as Mysteries of Light because they bear witness to the Divinity of Christ while He dwelt among us in His humanity. Truly He is the Light of the World, and His miracles and Wisdom offered in His teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven, testify to this truth. Jesus continues to shine His Light in our souls as we come to understand the Sacred Scriptures which He fulfills, and as we receive His very real presence in the Eucharistic Mystery. Who better to accompany us in prayer as we meditate upon these Mysteries than Our Blessed Mother who was behind the scenes of His public ministry, and alone was able to witness and contemplate the abundant Light radiating from the innermost being of Christ for the first thirty years of His hidden life. 

6. The Baptism Of Jesus 
7. The Wedding Feast At Cana 
8. Jesus Proclaims The Kingdom
9. The Transfiguration 
10. The Institution Of The Eucharist 

*To learn more about these Luminous Mysteries visit the Timeline of the Mysteries of the Rosary.

The five Luminous Mysteries are to be prayed on Thursdays.

The Sorrowful Mysteries

The greatest sign of the immeasurable love Our Father has for His human children is the sacrifice He permitted in the death of His Divine Son. We meditate upon the Sorrowful Mysteries to attempt to receive this infinite love, by reflecting upon the agony and suffering Our Lord endured to atone for our sins and restore our relationship as sons and daughters of God. Our journey as Christians means we must follow in the footsteps of Jesus along the Way of the Cross. We must die to our selfish desires and live in harmony with the Will of the Father to establish the peace and love of the Kingdom of Heaven. Meditating upon the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary we follow Christ with our daily sufferings and crosses to become crucified with Him on Calvary. It is upon the Cross that we die to all that is not Christ, that His love for us may abound within us. In these Mysteries we journey to the foot of the Cross, where Jesus gives us His Mother as our very own. Here we unite our hearts and prayers with Our Blessed Mother’s, to adore her most precious Son and plead for the salvation of souls. Through her powerful intercession we obtain true contrition and forgiveness for all of our sins, as she places our broken hearts within His Sacred Wounds to be healed. 

11. The Agony In The Garden 
12. Jesus Is Scourged At The Pillar
13. Jesus Is Crowned With Thorns 
14. Jesus Carries The Cross 
15. The Crucifixion

*To learn more about these Sorrowful Mysteries visit the Timeline of the Mysteries of the Rosary. 

The five Sorrowful Mysteries are to be prayed on Tuesdays and Fridays, and may be said on Sundays during Lent. 

The Glorious Mysteries

In these Mysteries we are called to move beyond the heaviness of the sufferings and death of Jesus, and reflect upon His triumphant glory. The Glorious Mysteries celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death as He rises from the dead, ascends to the Father and sends us the promise of the Holy Spirit. It is through this precious gift of the Holy Spirit that grace is restored, so that we may reign with Christ in Heaven. However, these Mysteries reveal that this glory is not just for eternity, but that we are called today to die to our sinfulness and rise to new life through faith in Jesus Christ. The beauty of the Holy Rosary reflects this truth in a very real way as we grow in grace and virtue by uniting our prayers with the Queen of Heaven, through whom all Divine graces come to souls on earth. We trust in the glorious intercession of the one who is the chosen daughter of God the Father, the Virginal Mother of God the Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. 

16. The Resurrection 
17. The Ascension 
18. The Descent Of The Holy Spirit
19. The Assumption
20. The Coronation

*To learn more about these Glorious Mysteries visit the Timeline of the Mysteries of the Rosary. 

The five Glorious Mysteries are to be prayed on Wednesdays and Sundays from Easter until Advent.

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