The Visitation

Fruit Of The Mystery: Love Of Neighbor

The following meditations are provided to assist you while praying the Holy Rosary. It is offered in a format where a question is posed to lead the meditation and then is followed by an answer below it.  It may be more helpful to grow in your meditation skills if you try to contemplate the question while praying this decade of the Rosary, and view the possible answer upon completing the prayers for the Mystery.

The meditations below offer possible answers to questions regarding these Mysteries.  Because the Wisdom of God is infinite, there are limitless insights that one may gain from meditating repeatedly upon the questions surrounding these Mysteries.  There are no wrong or right answers when praying the Holy Rosary in this way.  We are simply seeking to be inspired in our understanding of who Jesus is and how much He loves us, as the Holy Spirit gently guides us through reflective prayer.

For many reasons it may be difficult to engage our minds to enter into meditating on the Mysteries at hand.  An alternative option is to simply meditate upon the meaning of the core prayers of the Holy Rosary as you are praying them.  You may find these reflections on the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be prayers to be helpful during these times.

The Perfect Disciple

1.  Why is Mary known as the first and most perfect disciple?

As Mother of the Church, Mary was also the first Christian.  She was the first to adore Jesus as God, and being without sin she worshiped Him throughout her life on earth in a most perfect and holy manner.  We see her Christian virtues and discipleship shine in her actions immediately after Jesus was conceived in her womb.  After being filled by the Holy Spirit and forming Jesus within her, she quickly goes out and preaches the good news of God’s love and mercy.  Mary did this in her actions, as she was moved to visit her aged cousin Elizabeth and help out with her pregnancy.  We see the impact of her Christian love immediately, when her cousin Elizabeth was moved by the Holy Spirit to prophesy and bless others in return. 

2.  What kind of great things does Mary do in her first witness as Christ’s disciple?

All Mary does is bring Jesus, quietly and silently within her, to Elizabeth.  Sensing this is enough for Elizabeth, which in turn moves her to pour out love and blessings, in this case upon Mary.  Just the presence of Christ within Mary allows the Lord to work through Elizabeth, who speaks inspired words of love that would be recorded in Sacred Scripture and prayed in the Hail Mary prayer for centuries to come.  So what did Elizabeth have to do to be such an important vessel?  Nothing, just be.  Elizabeth was simply in the exact time and space that God willed her to be, as she heard Him calling her into seclusion during her pregnancy.  And because she was obedient to His plan, God inspired her words and moved her by His grace to be His vessel of love which would impact ages to come.

Giving Glory to God

1.  How do we respond to others when they thank us and praise us for good works?  How does Mary respond to Elizabeth?

Mary teaches us how to respond when serving others to the praise and thanks they offer us.  In all humility she simply gives all thanks and praise and glory back to Our Father from whom all blessings come.  When serving God by helping others, we should be mindful that it is not as much the work we are a part of that is good, but the work of Love that He shares through each of us that is to be celebrated.

Recognizing God’ Loving Plan  

1.  Why was Zacharias struck mute?  Was it simply a punishment for questioning Gabriel?

In considering our Majestic God’s providence, we see how all things truly do work together for the good of all who serve Him (Romans 8:28).  Zacharias was struck mute certainly for his own good, as he needed silence to prepare for his extremely important role of fathering and mentoring John the Baptist.  But it was equally for the good of Elizabeth.  As she secluded herself from the public, she was driven into further silence and solitude by not being able to listen to or communicate with the only other person she was surrounded by- her husband Zacharias.  This played a critical role in sharpening her listening skills for recognizing the Savior who her son was to prepare the way for.  The significance of this time of silence echoes throughout eternity as she recognizes Jesus within her cousin Mary and greets her with the words of the Hail Mary: “Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  

2.  What clues did Elizabeth have to help her recognize that Mary was carrying the Messiah within her womb?

Being that Zacharias and Elizabeth did not tell anyone about the encounter with the Archangel Gabriel, as she hid her pregnancy from the public, Elizabeth must have considered Mary’s visit to be one of Divine circumstance. This ‘sign of the times’ may have helped her recognize and piece together what John the Baptist was telling her as he leapt in her womb.  Elizabeth’s ability to observe and interpret the signs around her was certainly nourished by the silence surrounding her pregnancy.  It is in learning to be quiet and be aware of the signs in our lives that we too can learn to recognize Christ’s presence in others.

3.  When we think we are serving God, who is really reaping the benefits?

It is all for you.  Though the fruit of this mystery is love of neighbor, it truly is about God’s love for us.  For service is a way to protect us from pride, and to perfect the expression of the graces with which He fills us.  We see this in the Visitation after Jesus is conceived within Mary.  Filled by the love of God, and eternal grace Himself, she makes haste to express this love in gratitude by serving her aged and now pregnant cousin.  All lofty thoughts of pride in her new role as Mother of God would be placed below the needs of Elizabeth and her family.                                                                                    

4.  Why did Christ move Mary to immediately visit her cousin Elizabeth?  What can we learn from Jesus in this instance?

Jesus had just arrived in Mary’s womb and He immediately begins to go to work by inspiring her to visit Elizabeth.  Just as He longs to give each of us the joy of His presence, as soon as He takes flesh on earth He wanted to be shared with Zacharias, Elizabeth and His cousin John the Baptist.  Christ encourages us to continue this mission by sharing His hope, love and joy with those He places in our lives.  

5.  Often we think of Advent as a time of peace and quiet to prepare for the Lord.  Is this how it was during the first Advent when Mary carried Jesus within her womb?

Mary’s advent and preparation to give birth to the Son of God was anything but quiet or silent exteriorly.  Consider that she leaves immediately after the Annunciation to assist her cousin Elizabeth in her pregnancy of old age; she would also have to bring the news of her own unexpected pregnancy to her future husband Joseph, and her family; she would have to get ready to be a first time mother in her tender teenage years; she would have to come up with money for taxes imposed by the Roman authorities and travel for days across rugged terrain to Bethlehem late in her pregnancy; not to mention the everyday challenges of life.  This doesn’t sound very restful, but unquestionably Our Father was preparing His precious daughter Mary to overcome the many challenges she would face later in life, and to realize how little everything else matters besides remaining in the presence of Jesus- serving Him, loving Him and adoring Him alone.

6.  What are the benefits of meditating on the mysteries of God?  In the Visitation, does Mary have time to contemplate His mysteries?  If so, what effects does it have on her relationship with God?

It would have been at least a four-day journey from where Mary lived in Nazareth to Elizabeth’s home in Ein Karem.  Mary is often portrayed in the gospels as pondering the things that she witnessed, and most likely this was the case after the Annunciation.  During her journey Mary must have spent much time praying and  contemplating the incredible mystery of salvation that she was now such an intimate part of.  We see the fruits of her prayer when she first encounters Elizabeth.  Words of praise and gratitude began to overflow from her Immaculate Heart, which reflected everything she had prayed about during her journey.  The more grateful we are for God’s blessings in our lives, the closer we draw to Him in all humility.  We are more open to seeing the blessings in our lives, both great and small, when take time out of our busy schedules to think and pray about His immeasurable love for us.

7.  Why did Mary make haste to leave to visit her cousin Elizabeth?

Mary was so in tune to God’s Will for her life, that she was able to recognize His desire for her to visit Elizabeth through Gabriel’s message.  Because Our Blessed Mother was abandoned to her own selfish will, when Gabriel mentioned that Elizabeth conceived a son in her old age, Mary was able to hear God’s subtle gesture for her to help her cousin out in her time of need.  In her sole desire to please God, the Blessed Virgin immediately left Nazareth to assist Elizabeth. 

The Ark of the New Covenant

1.  How does Mary represent the Ark of the New Covenant?

Looking at several Old Testament passages we learn how the original Ark of the Covenant prefigures Mary and her visit to Elizabeth.  Firstly, the original Ark of the Covenant housed the Ten Commandments, the staff of Aaron (which represented the first High Priest), and manna (bread which rained down from Heaven in the time of Moses).  Mary is considered the Ark of the New Covenant because she carried within her womb, or “housed” Jesus; He is the One who would fulfill every letter of the law of God in His Being, He is the High Priest of Heaven, and He is the Bread of Life which came down from Heaven to feed us with His Flesh and Blood in the Eucharist.  It is also interesting to note in II Samuel 6:2-16, that the original Ark of the Covenant made its way to the hill country of Judea, and was greeted with leaping and the joyful salutation: “how can the ark of the Lord come to me?”  As Mary makes her way to the hill country of Judea, John the Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb, and Elizabeth salutes Mary with a blessing and exclaims, “how is it that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?” From these examples it becomes clear that Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, as she carries Jesus who would shed His Blood to create an everlasting Covenant to restore the wounded relationship between God and mankind.

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